Painting Live in Denver, CO July 18, 2024I had the sweetest time painting Live Guest Portraits for K+M's wedding in Denver, Colorado! See a list of their vendors, where we visited, + more.
About Me + Why I Started Purpose Under Palms April 28, 2023I had this feeling like there was something more I was meant to be doing.
My Favorite Watercolor + Art Supplies February 3, 2023An extensive list of my favorite watercolor + art supplies!
10 Tips I've Learned From My First Year in Business January 27, 2023"You can be making the most money you've ever made, but have the most anxiety you've ever experienced."
5 Reminders When Painting with Watercolor October 24, 2022Trust me, someone out there will love your style + technique, and will be willing to pay for it.
Year Round Vendor Show + Market Checklist September 13, 2022Let's get straight to the point... vendor shows + markets are HARD WORK as a business owner. This checklist gives you a head start on planning for your next show...